Rock of Pages has been selected as a finalist for Comix Well Spring’s Cover Contest! It’s up to you to decide the winner, so head over and vote Option 6.
The world of Altered Ego is expanding! Meet the brand new characters and rediscover your familiar favorites.
The world of Altered Ego is expanding! Meet the brand new characters and rediscover your familiar favorites.
The world of Altered Ego is full of heroes, wannabe celebrities, and every day people like you and me. Also there’s a talking cat.
The Wyld is a new comic series written by Lee Xopher, with art by Nate Xopher. Coming spring of 2018!
AGP (Amanda Gilliam Presents) was kind enough to have me on the show to talk Rock of Pages, Pixel Overdrive, and all things nerdy.
Here's my review of 2013's Man of Steel, just in time for Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice.
A few quick thoughts on the latest Batman V Superman V Wonder Woman V Lex Luthor V Doomsday: Dawn of Extended Universe trailer.