2015: An Xopher Year In Review

December's end brings with it a time to reflect on the highs and lows that these last 12 months have afforded us. I'm happy to say that I've had a very productive year, and I want brag a little about a few of the professional milestones that we've hit at Xopher's Discount Comic Art Emporium. So let's hop on our magic skateboards and look back on some of the things I was able to check off my to–do list in 2015!

Rock of Pages

First and foremost, I am thrilled that I finished Rock of Pages this year, and assembled the entire series into a 344 page graphic novel. It's taken 7 years to write, draw, and do a million other things for this comic. If I'm being completely honest, there are still a few very minor edits I'd like to make for the next print run, and I would like to get the book full–on published next year. If I've learned anything about business though, I may be done with the actual production of the story, but I'll never really be done trying to market it.

Website 4.0

At the start of the year, my website was in serious need of an update. It was a huge undertaking to get everything switched over to Squarespace, but the end result is a much cleaner and more functional platform. It's allowed me the opportunity to get an online store set up, experiment with ads, and blog about whatever terrible new DC movie news is out there.

Pixel Overdrive

I'd been wanting to do a new comic for awhile now, and with the completion of Rock of Pages, I was finally able to accomplish that with Pixel Overdrive. It's still super early in its run, but I'm excited about all the potential and freedom it offers me creatively.


I exhibited at more conventions this year than ever, including the first one that I've actually traveled for. My artwork was also featured in a special comic book exhibit at Shadowbox Live, which was a great honor.

2015 certainly had more than a few setbacks and disappointments, but overall it was a great year. And I fully believe that 2016 will be even better. I've got a lot of exciting stuff planned that I can't wait to share with you guys next year. 

Finally, I want to thank every person who is reading this now for your support, patronage, or even fandom. I don't really do resolutions, but I hope your goal for your next trip around the sun is the same as mine:

Keep rocking.