nate xopher

Cincinnati Comic Expo 2014

It's that time of year again! I'll be exhibiting at the Cincinnati Comic Expo 9/20-21, along with my parter-in-crime Nate. We'll both have a bunch of brand new Xopher merchandise, so stop by table F6! If you happen to be in the area and are looking for some awesome comic stuff to do, I hope to see you there. 

On a reIated note, I'm hard at work finishing up the final issue of Rock of Pages, so stay tuned for updates on that. I hope to get all of the artwork done for the series this year, and then I'll be working on getting the collected edition out to stores everywhere. If you're new to the site, be sure to follow me on Twitterlike me on Facebook, and catch up on all the issues of Rock of Pages online!

Issue #22

Looks like I'm back on some kind of reasonable schedule here! You guys should check out the next issue, Brothers, and catch up on all the Rock of Pages that's online so far. I think of this issue as a quick pop single to follow up the epic Fred Lactus ballad, both for my own sanity in creating the darn thing, and to sort of cleanse the reader's pallette before moving on. 

Those of you who have seen me in the convention circuit know that I'm always accompanied by my brother and great artist Nate Xopher. I've toyed around with introducing our dynamic into the series but it never quite fit until now. Also, when we last saw cartoon Lee, he was some type of cosmic extra-dimensional space baby with the potential to grow up to be a hairy art major. So has the universe looped around again, giving him another chance at life? Or is this just a further example of the fractured timeline whose ripples are still causing temporal distortions? I don't know, ask your mom.

Cincinnati Comic Expo 2013

In case you haven't followed me on twitter, or liked me on facebook, I'll be exhibiting at the Cincinnati Comic Expo this weekend, September 14-15. Check out the convention website for more details.

As always, I'll be joined by brother and awesome artist Nate Xopher. We'll both have a bunch of Xopher swag available, so if you happen to be there, stop on by table B2 and say hi. New and returning visitors should also celebrate the convention by catching up on some Rock of Pages. The exciting conclusion of the Saga of Fred Lactus is still in progress, so bear with me patient fanboys and fangirls. 

Hope to see you all this weekend!

Cincinnati Comic Expo 2012

I'll be exhibiting at the Cincinnati Comic Expo next weekend, September 22 – 23. So if you happen to be in the area, I'd sure love for you to stop by! Check out the convention website here for more info on the show. 

I'll have a bunch of great merchandise available, including the special print-only 2012 Convention Exclusive. As always, I'll be joined by brother and awesome artist Nate Xopher, who will have some cool stuff as well. I hope to see you all there!

Gem City Comic Con 2012

Hello fans! Just taking a breather from the drawing board to let you all know that I'll be exhibiting at the Gem City Comic Con next weekend, March 31-April1. Check out the con website for more details on the show.

I've got a brand new Convention Exclusive Issue I'll be debuting, featuring a special print-only #0 issue of Rock of Pages, a back up story by guest cartoonist Matthew T. Krysiak, and a sketch gallery from yours truly (which also includes a sneak peak at the next chapter of Fred Lactus). As always, I'll be accompanied by amazing artist and brother Nate Xopher, who will have some great prints for sale. So if you happen to be in the Dayton area next weekend, I'd sure love to see some of you there!

In other news, I'm about halfway through the pencils on the next issue. Rock of Pages is very much still going on, it's just taking longer to get done these days. So it's more All Star Superman than All Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder, if that analogy makes sense. I'm super excited about it though, and hopefully you'll agree it was worth the time to get it done right.